Art Making and Moon Cycles: Embracing the Rhythm of Creativity

My world is often filled with parallels that extend far beyond this 3D playing field we call Earth. When I hashtag #trusttheprocess, I feel into the parallel grooves that travel my energetic trajectory. One such parallel that has captivated my attention is the profound connection between the process of art making and the ever-changing cycles of the moon.

It is with great excitement that I announce a shift in my creative journey—a transition from a monthly "Full Moon" newsletter to a more quarterly model that holds multiple spirals within.

While the monthly "Full Moon" newsletter has been an incredible journey, I have come to realize that the creative process straddles more liminal space than I previously understood.

I invite you to join me on this new creative journey—a path that will delve into the depths of art, introspection, and self-discovery. Perhaps together we can learn how to embody this beautiful tapestry woven with the threads of countless moments.

Edy Levin

The art of teaching has become a canvas for my interdisciplinary approach, which blends nature's empathy and a connection to rural landscapes within the bustling city life of Los Angeles.



Yellowthroat With a Stitch of Play