edymade Healing Art

May 2022

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healing art, may 2022

Happy May! It’s the perfect month to celebrate female empowerment, cyclical movement, and transformation. This image is a digital collage that came from a watercolor I did in 2018. As I worked with the original image in Photoshop, I included some images of the roses I’ve been growing in my garden. These roses have been harvested in the wee hours of the morning before I commute to school/work. During that time, I connect with Earth’s cycles, which are a weaving together of all those feminine aspects of creation that most of us are conditioned to disregard. The entire life cycle embraces conception, germination, gestation, emergence, maturation, death, and decomposition. All of the stages are dependent on one another to enrich the experience of the whole. Our social systems often prioritize the product and devalue the rest. The tiny seahorse in the mandorla just below the prominent rose is a special reminder of balance and reciprocity. If you pierce the veneer of the undulating feminine tapestry, you can see layers of flourishing roses as well as those in decay.

On the heels of Mother’s Day, I lean into the truth of those aspects and remember some commitments that I wrote down back in 2018:

I commit to tending the places within myself that need delicate mothering. I commit to honoring my intuition and my dreams. I commit to long-term organic processes. I commit to feeling my emotions in their fullness. I commit to honoring things that are complicated or cyclical. I commit to honoring death as part of the growth cycle. I commit to resting. I commit to heart-centered listening. I commit to patience with myself.

As the human-made systems around us collapse, I notice the supremacist scriptures of self-hatred and despair bubbling and surfacing within me. I see the pain and anguish boiling over in the world outside of me. This digital image is about honoring all that brings hope. The experience of being human and acknowledging the power of the feminine aspects are what lift me out of distress. That ascension is the sentiment that becomes our collective healing. It is the act of honoring the commitments from my 2018 declaration. I believe this declaration is revolutionary. When we activate the power of the often unseen forces of feminine terrain, heaven becomes tangible.