Line Drawing of Anahata expansion, September 2023
Development of social and emotional skills has been essential to knowing myself as a creative being. The arts allow me to go beyond what I think I understand about myself and get to know myself as whole. When I am able to be with my wholeness, authenticity becomes tangible.
“Anyhow, the older I get, the less impressed I become with originality. These days, I'm far more moved by authenticity. Attempts at originality can often feel forced and precious, but authenticity has quiet resonance that never fails to stir me.”—Elizabeth Gilbert
Spherical Expansive Pea Pod Lotus surrounded by its resonant pattern. September 2023
Social-emotional learning is enhanced when we use our artistic gifts and creativity in support of our wholeness. Developing creativity and using it in this way is dependent on practicing a growth mindset.
How do I practice growth mindset? By cultivating an innate belief that my abilities can change and improve over time. This belief is not something that lives in my brain. It goes beyond inspirational quotes and prescribed affirmations. It requires a buy-in from my inner sense of safety, which can only be granted by my subconscious. My subconscious is ruled by my nervous system and vice-versa, producing a reciprocity that affects my entire being.
When I awaken to the messages that are constantly traveling inside my inner landscape, I can curate them to meet and respond to them appropriately. Self-awareness is made manifest during the nonverbal, precognitive communication that takes place outside the realm of what is traditionally considered rational and logical. It is this authenticity that I develop when I engage with the creative process.
I look forward to sharing more about this special nervous system relationship and how authenticity can weave us together in a heart-centered community. Join me on Patreon and/or through my newsletter.