Harmony in Hooves: Exploring Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses
Horses have long held a special place in our hearts, captivating us with their grace, strength, and intuitive connection. Recently, I had the privilege of attending an online presentation titled "Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses" by Ann Baldwin, Ph.D., and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., hosted by the HeartMath Institute. The workshop delved into the realm of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) and its impact on heart rate variability (HRV) in horse-human pairs during specific exercises. In this blog entry, I will share insights from the first exercise, "Sending Appreciation to Horse," and explore the fascinating findings that reveal the profound connection between humans and horses.
Understanding HRV and Heart Coherence:
Before delving into the research findings, it's essential to grasp the concept of HRV. HRV measures the time interval between successive heartbeats, reflecting the variability in the heart rate. Two key parameters, SDRR and RMSSD, signify the magnitude of HRV and relaxation, respectively. Heart coherence, as defined by the HeartMath Institute, is a physiological state where the body's systems—breathing, heart rhythms, brain rhythms, and hormonal response—are in sync. This state is characterized by a sinuous line on the electrocardiogram, representing a synchronized and empowering condition across physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
Research Insights: "Sending Appreciation to Horse"
The research focused on two EFL exercises, with "Sending Appreciation to Horse" being the first. Dr. Baldwin and Dr. McCraty hypothesized that engaging in these exercises would positively influence HRV and induce heart coherence. What emerged from their study was both enlightening and heartwarming.
1. Coherence Enhancement in Human-Horse Pairs:
The researchers observed an increase in coherence when individuals sent appreciation to the horse. This suggests that engaging in positive emotions and expressions directly impacts HRV, promoting a more organized and coherent state.
2. Horses as Coherence Catalysts:
The most remarkable finding was the timing of coherence attainment. Astonishingly, horses exhibited coherence 30 seconds before humans did during the exercise. Horses not only mirrored human emotions but often led them into a heart-coherent state, showcasing the unique ability of horses to intuitively connect with their human counterparts.
3. Non-Verbal Communication and Receptive States:
Nearly all horse-human pairs demonstrated frequency matches in HRV, emphasizing a synchronized connection. Moreover, the majority displayed a high correlation between horse and human heart rate changes over time, with the horse often taking the lead. This revelation underscores the potential for peacefully interacting with horses to elevate individuals into a heightened receptive state, enhancing non-verbal communication.
As someone who has experienced the transformative power of horse-human connections, these research findings resonate deeply. The ability of horses to influence and lead humans into a coherent state is a testament to the extraordinary bond between our species. Engaging in activities like "Sending Appreciation to Horse" and "Con Su Permiso" not only enriches our lives but also offers a pathway to self-generated empowerment and heart coherence. So, let the rhythm of hooves be the melody that makes our hearts sing in unison with these majestic creatures.
Baby Steps, Allowing Magic, and Believing in Miracles

Last April, a long time friend and former colleague reached out to discuss the possibility of commissioning me to do a piece related to a powerful ongoing connection she has to the CORE Kidney Group at UCLA. Of course, I said YES, and this blog entry is an effort to describe the suite deluxe of sweet magic that has enfolded me ever since. Read on to step into the process and preview the behind-the-scenes that is actually the center stage.
As I'm working on this CORE Kidney Commission, I notice that it requires me to stay longer in the liminal stages between digital planning and implementing the hand-painted stages In fact, I linger for longer than usual, and it has led to some really great developments. Crucial!
For example, I have not begun inscribing the ribbon scroll yet, even though my productive, on-time, diligent, striving, artist self told me to last weekend. But, I'm not listening to her right now. She doesn't allow the magic to happen. The Edy who is in cahoots with Edymade allows the magic. And if I had listened to the person who takes the reins and sticks to deadlines, I would have inscribed a less relevant, even non-sensical Latin on the ribbon!
Digital Rendering from late July with inaccurate ribbon scroll inscription!
Instead, I've been showing up to slow down in this process. And that allowed for me to be paired with a Latin teacher during a work meeting. She gave me many options for expressing the sentiments of this piece, which is "I Believe in Miracles." Siri had told me initially that the words were, "Credo Miraculous." Well, Siri missed the mark.
My very astute Latin teacher friend from Brentwood School said, "So I thought about it, and as I warned, there are usually options when it comes to translation. So all of these essentially mean the same thing, with just small dialect differences. You can pay attention to the small differences, or you can choose whichever you think sounds or looks the best. They'd all work! This is also standard word order, but the meaning is unchanged no matter how you change their order, so feel free to adjust for what looks or sounds good.
1. Miracula Credo - this one can also kind of mean like, "I trust miracles."
2. Miracula Esse Credo - this one means more clearly "I believe that miracles exist" or "I believe that there are miracles"
3. Credo in Miracula - this one is probably more typical for Church Latin, and is very literally "I believe in miracles" in the sense that we use it today."
I'm going with option 3. I believe in slowing down, taking baby steps, allowing magic, and then sitting back to let it all sink in (as the miracle that this life truly is!) I think it's miraculous the way I get to paint this and it unveils itself to me in the most perfect way possible. I have no idea whether the ribbon is going to be green or gold. The painting will tell me when it's ready to be painted. For now, I just get to have fun seeing the possibilities.
Stages of development as of 08/28/22—CORE Kidney Commision
Slowing, Swimming, and Seeing
My intention this moment is to gain clarity through process. Getting clear about what? Well, about what I’m here to be. I’m here as a vessel to carry a spirit of loving kindness. Let’s face it, it’s hard to find the spirit of loving kindness because there’s all this projection around—from everyone and everywhere, including me. That’s where the confusion and lack of clarity comes in. I carry it all around and feel it in my body (aka vessel.) I feel it in my tight muscles and sometimes even migraines or hives on my skin.
My intention is to sift out the icky stuff and let go of it. When I do this, I gain clarity and start to notice when I accumulate the residual sludge of projected energy that often activates shame, my old pattern of self-degradation.
My intention is to gain clarity through process. The process has multiple components—daily meditation and energetic journaling are coming forth. The Radiant Temple Sisterhood brought this concept to my attention during our Sister connection call recently. We acknowledged how we can “feel into” a practice like journaling rather than literally doing it. It’s with energy, sort of like channeling the act of journaling.
I realize that this is what I do when I am swimming every morning. As my body is gliding through the pool, I am both processing information and cleansing my system. I visualize the water flushing through and washing away any ickiness.
My recent Connection Call with my Wildly Radiant Sisters was so helpful to me. I have been thinking about the benefits ever since. The way I am understanding is that I can feel into the energy of a certain practice and it can be as beneficial as the practice itself. So for me, when I am lap swimming as part of my week day practice, I am also channeling the act of journaling. As I am gliding through the pool, I am processing information with my whole body and it feels like I am writing something true. I gain clarity from the action—I gain clarity from process.
After my swim yesterday morning, I narrated a journal entry into my recorder while driving to work. I was able to truly metabolize and transmute some of the old stories that my body has been hooked into. I’ve been suffering from trapped anger.
I am trusting the softening in my heart and envision this medallion expanding from my Heart center two or three times a day. It is my gift to visualize and create from this place. 🙏❤️