Hummingbird Invitation:
The hummingbird friend who visited me yesterday. She gave me permission to photograph her and share her invitation with you.
Okay, then, let’s skip the affirmations and find a trusty guide. Hmmmmm, how about the hummingbird? Just because she reminds me of my ability to step into my power and acknowledge the wisdom and grace within. Her sighting is my invitation to drink the Amrita of my Soul. The Sanskrit word Amṛtā is, according to the Wisdom Library published by Gabe Hiemstra, derived from Amṛta, translating to “nectar”, but in a different context can refer to “immortal” (see
Think about the hummingbird—the only avian creature that can skillfully maneuver her body to gracefully hover and also has the agility to go forward AND backward. Her wings don’t flap up and down like other birds, they travel the course of an infinity sign—surely nature’s message that our abundance of choices are infinite. Through this ability to choose, we humans are allowed to receive our inner wisdom as part of our immense power—it is the true power here—because when we accept and receive our power, it supersedes anything that money could ever bring. Seeing a hummingbird invites me to remember that I always have the power to connect and nurture myself. I invite you to use the hummingbird too, or choose a different symbol that will help you to remember the same thing.
We are often distracted by money, capitalism, consumerism, our constant scrolling, and external chaos so that we are mostly looking outside ourselves. It’s when we start to look inside that we can untangle the knotted threads of social conditioning, mixed messages, and begin to truly step into our power. Like the hummingbird, we have the power to slow and hover, choosing to absorb life’s sweet nectar and let it seep into and nourish our light, the infinite joy of our very presence.